Well, it has been four months since the Epsilon Phi Chapter has had a new President presiding. What a legacy Soror Dr. Valencia D. Hall, our current Chapter President has had to follow. When our prior Chapter President, Soror Audrey Dutton Davis, took on the charge of organizing our chapter, she stood by the words of COMMITMENT and DEDICATION by ensuring that she exuded just that in her four and a half years over the chapter. She guided us to "SWR Chapter of the Year" in only two years of existence, she became Iota National (Business) Woman of the Year 2017 and Southwestern Region Soror of the Year 2019-2021. To top it off, we continued to have top auxiliaries, one National Officer (Soror Amanda Dutton - Treasurer), and one Regional Officer (Soror Dr. Valencia D. Hall - SWR Journalist).
Now it is time to see what the future may hold for Epsilon Phi Chapter as we have been working and definitely not shirking under our NEW REGIME with our newly elected Chapter President. Soror Dr. Hall is very structured in her delivery of information to our Sorors. She has ALL Sorors committed to working in committees and ensures that we are servicing our communities even though a pandemic has evolved our year to a virtual-only lifestyle. Well, the best part of it all is that she is technology savvy with an amazing technology committee by her side to help each chapter committee execute their creative virtual ideas. We have not skipped a beat in our officers' transition, and if you think we have been doing something now, wait and see what is coming up next.
If you enjoyed reading this post and learning a little about our Chapter Presidents' transition, post a comment. We are also accepting donations to support our local programs and projects this year, including scholarships for youth. Contributions can be submitted on our contact page. Thank you for taking the time out to read this blog!
Now it is time to see what the future may hold for Epsilon Phi Chapter as we have been working and definitely not shirking under our NEW REGIME with our newly elected Chapter President. Soror Dr. Hall is very structured in her delivery of information to our Sorors. She has ALL Sorors committed to working in committees and ensures that we are servicing our communities even though a pandemic has evolved our year to a virtual-only lifestyle. Well, the best part of it all is that she is technology savvy with an amazing technology committee by her side to help each chapter committee execute their creative virtual ideas. We have not skipped a beat in our officers' transition, and if you think we have been doing something now, wait and see what is coming up next.
If you enjoyed reading this post and learning a little about our Chapter Presidents' transition, post a comment. We are also accepting donations to support our local programs and projects this year, including scholarships for youth. Contributions can be submitted on our contact page. Thank you for taking the time out to read this blog!