Chapter Theme:
“Cultivate, Elevate, Initiate"
Chapter President - Soror Dorita Hatchett
1st Vice President - Soror Tonya Young
2nd Vice President - Soror Karen Baker Sonier
Recording Secretary - Soror Amanda Dutton
Corresponding Secretary - Soror Patricia Isaac
Financial Secretary - Soror Philida Foreman
Treasurer - Soror Cynthia Brown
Journalist - Soror Angela Nauls
Dean of Intake - Soror Dr. DeAndrea Hughes
1st Vice President - Soror Tonya Young
2nd Vice President - Soror Karen Baker Sonier
Recording Secretary - Soror Amanda Dutton
Corresponding Secretary - Soror Patricia Isaac
Financial Secretary - Soror Philida Foreman
Treasurer - Soror Cynthia Brown
Journalist - Soror Angela Nauls
Dean of Intake - Soror Dr. DeAndrea Hughes